Hello there, thanks for visiting us!
We're TYP.G [type-gee], a group of young individuals that strives to promote youth empowerment, leadership and peace engagement within our community.
We challenge the word peace; What is 'peace', and what it mean to us as young individuals.
Join us on our adventures as we discover our unique definitions of peace.
Here at TYP.G, we know that small changes are not just limited to being small; seeds bloom into flowers, and in this way, all it takes to change our world is a little push in uniting communities and promoting issues that we strongly believe in. Since our founding in 2018, we have been determined to make an impact. Through all of our endeavors we hope to display the conviction behind our beliefs.
Some of our objectives of TYP.G are:
To promote peace, diversity and social harmony within youth and the wider community.
To promote and facilitate the professional development of youth.
Conducting workshops to advance youth confidence and communication skills.
Conducting educational and career workshops, Q&A’S, and seminars.
Coordinating networking opportunities and social and international events.
Facilitating activities, events, and programs, including sporting, cultural and social activities that promote and enhance physical and mental wellbeing.
Want to know more about us? Visit our socials, or feel free to contact us!
peep our upcoming events !
stay tuned through our socials for the latest updates ;)

check out our socials! :)
57 West St. Newtown,
Toowoomba, Australia 4350
07 4659 8054
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